23 Oct 3 Financial Benefits of Metal Roofing
Metal roofs provide residential homes with unique visual appeal, but the benefits of a metal roof run deeper than surface level. Thanks to factors like its durability, metal roofing is one of the most financially beneficial roofing options around. This guide will introduce homeowners to 3 financial benefits of metal roofing, all of which address common financial stress that all homeowners endure.
Lifetime Roof, Not a Temporary One
Roofs made from material like asphalt shingles aren’t going to last you decades. In fact, they’ll barely last you one decade. That means that during the decades you spend on the property, you’ll need to keep spending money on temporary asphalt rooftops, which can happen sooner than ten years if they sustain some sort of damage, such as punctures or moisture damage. However, a high-quality metal roof is a lifetime roof, meaning you don’t need to waste money on periodically replacing it over the years. Unlike lesser quality roofing materials, a good metal roof can withstand the elements with ease for well over 50 years or more.
Reduce Energy Bills
Energy bills are a common annoyance that can be easily minimized in a number of ways, including installing an energy-efficient metal roof. During hot summer days, metal roofing will reflect the heat emanating from the sun, preventing it from entering your home, thus keeping it naturally nice and cool. Additionally, because your HVAC system is working a lot less, this will help prolong the life of it.
They Can Even Reduce Taxes
Although metal roofing isn’t tax-deductible, it can still help you save money on taxes in the long run. The reason for this is the energy-efficient nature of metal roofing. More specifically, it’s thanks to the federal energy-efficient tax credit, which makes it so installing a metal roof through the end of 2020 can cause residential homeowners to be eligible for a $500 tax credit. However, to be eligible for this tax credit, you’ll also need two additional documents; IRS Form 5695 and the Manufacturer Certification Statement.
As you can see, with the help of a high-quality residential metal roof installation, you can save money on taxes, energy bills, and periodic roof and shingle replacements. These 3 financial benefits of metal roofing address common financial annoyances all homeowners deal with throughout the year. Luckily, something as simple as choosing the right roof will help you minimize these annoyances immensely.