Special Offers

February Special Offer!

For the month of February, our main supplier has authorized a manufacturer’s rebate of up to $7,500 on your new McCarthy Metal Roof. The bigger your roof, the bigger your rebate – SAVE BIG!

Call McCarthy Metal Roofing for your appointment today – 919-900-1100!

Financing is available!

Metal Roofing Seminar Presentation

SAVE 50% With Our D-I-Y Program

ATTENTION SENIORS! Take $500 Off Your New Roof Today

Earn up to $500 toward the purchase of your McCarthy Metal Roof just for checking us out!


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Out of 121 Reviews
A+ from the BBB

Why Metal Roofing?

Permanent. Beautiful. Guaranteed. Metal Roofing in North Carolina. Our goal, as the leading manufacturer of residential metal roofing systems, is to make sure that you are...

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