26 Jul Best Roof Material for Hurricane-Prone Regions
Picking the right roof for residential homes requires more than a consideration of its aesthetics. Most importantly, homeowners must consider how their roofs will hold up in the local climate. Whether they manifest as snowfall or rainfall, the elements can wreak havoc on ill-prepared residential roofs. Beyond simple storms, homeowners have to plan for natural disasters as well. This guide will ensure you have strong protection by detailing the best roof material for hurricane-prone regions.
Finding the Right Material
The intense winds homeowners must deal with in hurricane-prone areas can swiftly damage residential roofing, easily ripping off panels. Plus, homeowners have to deal with the immense rainfall a hurricane causes, which promotes massive floods. Furthermore, the impact of flying tree branches and a bevy of other debris-based damages are major roof concerns during hurricanes.
Thankfully, investing in the right materials from reliable experts can ensure you have the best protection possible. Anyone trying to find the best roof material for hurricane-prone regions should look to high-quality metal roofing. The right metal roof offers strong protection against debris impact, intense winds, and other storm hazards. However, there are key factors to consider when finding a metal roof suitable for hurricane-prone areas.
Considering the Right Details
One of the essential factors to consider is who you’re hiring to install the roof. If you want a metal roof to showcase all its best attributes, you need to have an experienced professional install it. For example, at McCarthy Metal Roofing, we specialize in residential metal roof installation because such projects call for the work of trained experts.
Before hiring someone to install your metal roof, always look at customer reviews and examples of previous work. Additionally, make sure your roof contains a high-quality protective coating, such as a Kynar finish. Another factor that can affect how well a metal roof withstands intense winds is attic ventilation. Luckily, metal roof components, such as ridge vents, help homeowners create a smooth airflow in the attic.
When heavy winds enter your attic, they need a place to exit safely. If heavy winds can’t enter and exit your attic sufficiently, the immense pressure buildup can thoroughly damage roofing decks. As long as you plan carefully, a metal roof will improve your home’s defense against the elements. It’s an invaluable asset to anyone living in hurricane-prone regions.