20 Apr While It’s Raining: Planning for Home Improvement
Spring is here and with it the rain. While this can be a season of looking forward to home improvement, it should also be a time of planning. Look for ways to do more with less.
Are there areas of your home which have collected unused clutter that can be cleaned up and turned into useable space?
Cleaning and Organization Counts as Home Improvement
While you wait for the right weather, take some time to clean out the basement, the attic, or the garage. Year-after-year we store seasonal decorations, keepsakes and many things that are “just too nice” to let go of. It doesn’t take long to accumulate too much stuff. Eventually, we realize that we’re spending a silly amount of time (and space) just taking care of, thinking about, and worrying about our “stuff”.
Here are some tips for using some of your spring enthusiasm and energy to make a difference in your home:
- Make a date to spend a specific amount of time in a specific area (like the basement!), notify the family, and put it on the calendar. This doesn’t take a lot of planning, just the determination to let others know that their time is requested or required!
- Gather supplies to make the job easier: vacuum, storage containers, large plastic bags, and empty boxes.
- Develop a plan on how to sort what you encounter into 3 piles:
- keep it(which means that you intend to properly store properly and organize)
- give it away to person or organization that can use it (which means that it needs to be clean, functioning…and you need to be able to deliver it as soon as you’ve finished sorting)
- throw it away (which means that you can immediately deliver it to the trash, or arrange for pick up)
Sweep up the cleaned up space, and take a deep breath. What can you do with this new space? Can it be better utilized, or is the calmness of a clean empty, space a good thing for you?
By investing just a few hours cleaning and organizing some of the under-used areas of your home, you can expect great pay-offs. In addition to a sense of accomplishment, you may find that there are areas of your home which require additional attention for safety and health.
Safety and Health for Your Home with a Classic Metal Roof
Here in North Carolina, rain and mold are 2 natural phenomena that impact our homes. As you’re working in the attic, you may discover that you need an attic inspection. Or perhaps, poor drainage for your home has caused wet spots in your basement.
Perhaps we can help. We’re in the business of installing metal roofing systems for your home. A free attic inspection, and review of your roof with its drainage systems, are all a part of our process to determine if a metal roof is right for your home. That can bring home improvement, along with safety and protection.
Located in Raleigh, we’re North Carolina’s metal roofing experts. We’d love to partner with you on protecting your home from the elements, and in providing you with a permanent roofing solution. To find out if a beautiful metal roof is right for your home, begin your research today.