Metal Roofing Blog

All over the country - and even in our backyard - there are now roofing contractors who are selling and installing exposed-fastener-metal-roofs, or barn-metal-roofs, to unsuspecting homeowners. Strictly speaking, barn metal should never be installed on a home. Why are barn metal roofs not for residential application? First, barn metal roofs...

New roofing products in the form of solar shingles are now on the market from two different industries:  technology companies and asphalt roofing manufacturers. The pros of solar shingles: The most obvious benefit to solar shingles is simply aesthetics: they look more like a traditional roof. If you need to replace your...

Homeowners compare the various pros and cons of roofing materials to find the perfect match for their houses. Lower energy bills are among the potential benefits, but how exactly does a roof affect energy bills? Understandably, the connection won’t always be apparent to newcomers. Use the list below to learn...

Although a metal roof initially costs more than asphalt shingles, certain attributes make them more ideal for homeowners. That said, your roof choice comes down to your preference. You’ll see they come in many colors, metals and finishes. Use the list below to familiarize yourself with the different types of...

As a wise consumer, we understand that you research product and service warranties for every significant purchase to protect your investment. A new roof is a major investment.  When you purchase a new roof, you should receive 2 roof warranties in writing.  The first roof warranty is from the manufacturer covering the integrity...

Finding the perfect contractor for any project can be daunting. However, the results can be well worth the effort in some cases. One of the top examples of this is roofing. Although plenty of homeowners love to tackle renovations themselves, there are some factors you should consider before attempting to do...

Even if you know the benefits of metal roofing, from energy efficiency to long lifespan, there’s still more to learn. But don’t worry; you don’t have to attend a summer class to discover the metal roofing basics. Instead, a brief guide on how to choose a metal roof like the...