Metal Roofing Blog

Many residential homeowners install asphalt shingles on their roof. Despite its popularity, asphalt shingle roofing is susceptible to damage in many ways, many of which will require you to make a full replacement. We'll break down not only the top signs that is time to replace your asphalt roof, we'll...

When you’re installing a roof on your residential home, it’s crucial that you think about attic ventilation. Proper attic ventilation is a concept that is commonly forgotten by homeowners because not everyone knows how vital it is to the overall health of your home. One of the best ways to...

Residential homes can benefit from metal roofing in a variety of ways, from their ability to withstand the elements, to their long lifespan (50 years minimum). In addition to those factors, one of metal roofing’s lauded benefits is it saves homeowners money on their energy bills. This guide will break...

How many things are your balancing right now? For most of us, the to-do lists get longer, and the time to deal with them gets shorter. Sometimes the days seem like they are standing still, and sometimes it feels like they are running at hyper-speed. And here comes the cold...

Metal roofs provide residential homes with unique visual appeal, but the benefits of a metal roof run deeper than surface level. Thanks to factors like its durability, metal roofing is one of the most financially beneficial roofing options around. This guide will introduce homeowners to 3 financial benefits of metal...

There are many factors that can contribute to the overall price of metal roofs, including your climate, the type of metal you choose, the paint finish; and the list goes on. Given how many factors play a role in roof pricing, there are many things to consider in pursuing the...