24 May Metal Roofing Panel Design and Fire Safety
Here’s the second installment of critical things most contractor’s don’t know about metal roofing…but we do.
Our metal roofing specialists do every evaluation, recommendation, and installation of a new roof. We’re trained and ingrained with quality and durability from the manufacturing of our roofing products, to the final installation and lifetime warranty. Why does panel design matter? And how can a quality metal roof improve the fire-safety of your home?
Our series continues with a special message from Todd Miller, President of Classic Metal Roofing Systems and Roofing Guru.
2 Critical Things Most Contractors Don’t Know About Metal Roofing
1. Metal Roofing Panel Design
There are many good metal roof panel designs available today, from various styles of vertical seams to the more interesting “modular” panels designed to look like standard shingles, wood shakes, slate, or even southwest barrel tile.
Panel Design is one key area where, despite what many consumers and even contractors think, metal roofs are not all the same. Learn why a quality interlocking system is essential and why the fastening system of any roofing panel matters.
2. Metal Roofing Fire Safety
Misinformation is prevalent when it comes to fire safety and ratings of virtually all types of roofs. Learn how and why a metal roof matters in areas prone to wildfires, the stray sparks of dense suburbs, and other pyro threats.
Designed for Protection
When you purchase a metal roofing system from McCarthy Metal Roofing, be assured that we have taken full advantage of hidden fasteners and fully interlocking panel designs to deliver the best possible roof that meets and often exceed your requirements for protection from rain, wind, and even fire.
Read more in this series, or contact us for more information. We’re here to serve North Carolina homeowners with exceptional attention to detail and an unmatched level of quality.