20 Aug Metal Roofing: Sustainability and Energy
Now, it seems more than ever, Energy is a key factor in making decisions for home improvements. The focus on energy is on how to save or create energy in the future. The focus on the sustainability or durability of the materials we use in our homes is driven partly by an environmental focus, but it is also very practical.
The lack of available skilled labor in our area is forcing us all to think about materials in our homes that will not have to be replaced every few years. One answer to the skilled labor shortage is to simply use materials that last longer, reducing the demand for skilled labor.
How Saving Energy Impacts Your Roofing Decisions
Your home’s roof is too large of a component of any home investment to not be looked at as critical to a home’s energy performance. When you consider a new roof for your home, you MUST talk about either saving energy, harnessing energy, or both.
Eventually, there will likely be no avoiding thinking about energy when you buy a roof for your home. So, it makes sense to think about and prepare for it now.
How will you do it? And what is the best roofing material to support your energy reality?
Metal Roofing for Sustainability and Saving Energy
While much discussion can be given to “green” energy and its benefits, there is still one bottom line: the best way to impact the energy supply in the world is to reduce the need for energy. Every bit of energy demand that is reduced is energy that doesn’t have to be created in any fashion.
Good advice is to do all you can to reduce your home’s energy consumption before you even start to think about trying to harness energy through solar or other avenues. Metal roofing has many ways in which it saves energy, and these can all be a part of the “roofing and energy” thought process.
7 Ways Metal Roofing Can Reduce Energy Costs
Here’s a list of the seven the primary ways in which metal roofs reduce home energy costs by up to 20% or even more.
Sustainability and Harnessing Energy
Having examined how metal roofs help save energy – always the smartest and first thing to do – let’s move on to harnessing energy. For homeowners who’d also like to use their roofs to generate power, there are many ways that metal works well.
Metal roofs help save energy. Installing a Classic Metal Roof on your home always the smartest and first thing to do to reap energy savings and reduce consumption. For homeowners who’d also like to use their roofs to generate power, here’s an explanation of how metal works well with solar energy collection.
McCarthy Metal Roofing is always ready to provide more useful information on roofing and energy, through our website, or with a conversation. You can be assured that we have the resources, expertise and skilled staff to ensure the installation of a quality metal roofing system that will save energy, and can even help you harness energy.