Agricultural Metal Roofing Panels in North Carolina

Metal Barn Roofing

Long-Lasting Protection for Barns and Carports

Agricultural metal roofing panels provide you with a top-tier and efficient metal roof solution in North Carolina. This barn roofing allows you to refine the aesthetics and resilience of your barn as well as other structures on the property.

Introducing our superior Agricultural Panels, a metal roofing system specially manufactured to be ideal for barns, outbuildings, carports, and stables. These metal roofs will provide you with the added protection you need.

The durable design of our metal barn roofing is made to provide homeowners with peace of mind and long-lasting materials. When you work with our team of experts, you’ll never have to wonder if your roof will be able to withstand a hailstorm or other severe weather episode. Even more, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your precious livestock, machinery, automobiles, and other valuable items are protected.

With a traditional asphalt roof, you will likely need to do a full replacement after just 10 to 15 years. The quality of asphalt is declining constantly. However, metal barn roof panels are much more resilient. The popularity of metal roofing systems is increasing more and more every day due to their long-lasting reliability. With our extremely high-quality agriculture metal roofs, you will be protected as long as possible.

With a metal roof, you can expect to enjoy 50 to 100 years of protection for your barn or outbuilding with very little maintenance. Of course, the overall quality of your roof will vary based on the type of metal used.

McCarthy Metal Roofing utilizes an exposed fastener system, which has been tested using 80,000 PSI galvanized steel. Each panel has been custom cut from a 38” wide steel sheet, and can be crafted into any length you require, up to 40 feet.

Whatever you’re sheltering in your barn or carport — horses, tractors, crops, or your precious classic car collection — you can trust our quality metal roofs to keep your possessions safe. Our experienced agricultural roofing contractors are here to help with our extremely strong and versatile agricultural metal roofing panels in North Carolina. Reach out to us now to learn how you can equip your building with high-quality metal barn roofing.

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Why Metal Roofing?

Permanent. Beautiful. Guaranteed. Metal Roofing in North Carolina. Our goal, as the leading manufacturer of residential metal roofing systems, is to make sure that you are...

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