roof damage Tag

Here in North Carolina, like the rest of the US, it's almost always a season of climate interruptions: those storms and situations that challenge us as humans, and the homes we must protect. Home improvements are the very best ones you can make to improve protection. What’s inside your home is...

Hurricane Ian ravaged Florida, North Carolina, and the rest of the Southern U.S. on September 28, 2022. Many lost their lives, and thousands who were displaced returned to devastated homes and communities. Thankfully, we’ve seen people step up and provide humanitarian aid. Hurricane Ian brought heavy rain and wind to North Carolina...

As temperatures rise, our North Carolina climate has gone to extremes in the last few years.  Home heating and cooling have become crucial globally; solutions that work together to move towards an energy-efficient home are increasingly valuable. One change many homeowners should consider is switching out their existing roof for a...