roof wind damage Tag

Here in North Carolina, like the rest of the US, it's almost always a season of climate interruptions: those storms and situations that challenge us as humans, and the homes we must protect. Home improvements are the very best ones you can make to improve protection. What’s inside your home is...

No matter the year, you can count on a sizzling, rumbling summer! High temperatures will contribute to severe thunderstorms rumbling over our rooftops. These weather patterns can affect your energy spending and the protection of your home. As the largest exposed area of your home, your summer roof takes a beating from...

Hurricane Ian ravaged Florida, North Carolina, and the rest of the Southern U.S. on September 28, 2022. Many lost their lives, and thousands who were displaced returned to devastated homes and communities. Thankfully, we’ve seen people step up and provide humanitarian aid. Hurricane Ian brought heavy rain and wind to North Carolina...

A common myth about metal roofing is that it costs more than common roofing materials, like asphalt.  A McCarthy Metal Roof usually costs more than an asphalt roof at installation. However, the total investment is less over time, based on energy savings, low maintenance, long-life, and home value. Compare true cost metal...