06 Dec The Most Common Problems With Asphalt Shingles
Asphalt shingles are cost effective and durable, which is why you can find many of them on top of residential homes across the country. That said, when you own or consider buying an asphalt shingle roof, knowing the issues homeowners may encounter with them is invaluable for making an informed purchase. These are three of the most common problems with asphalt shingles.
Granule Loss
The top layer of shingles features granules, which provide better protection for the roof. However, the granules can wash away over time and expose the roof to the elements. Luckily, identifying granule loss is easy because it simply requires a gutter inspection.
Gutters reside on the edge of your roof, catching the rainwater trailing off the shingles. So, if your roof is shedding granules, they’ll start piling up in the gutters. When you notice your roof is losing granules, it’s time to find a replacement.
Like any roof, asphalt shingles must combat the elements during their whole lifespan. One of the most common problems with asphalt shingles that arises due to outdoor conditions is blistering. When an asphalt shingle encounters excessive heat exposure, it can produce buildups on the surface, eventually expanding enough to expose the roof to the elements.
As mentioned above, granules on the shingle surface are critical to its performance, so blistering can cause more than an unattractive roof. If you encounter blistering, inspect the ventilation in your attic. Insufficient airflow in the attic impacts the home’s indoor temperature, but the issue can spread to your roof’s performance, too.
Routine visual inspections of asphalt roofing help identify many common issues, including curling. As the name suggests, curling refers to the edges of a shingle curling upward. Like blistering, this problem can arise due to poor ventilation in your attic.
Suffice it to say, the state of your roofing goes hand-in-hand with that of your attic. So one can positively or negatively affect the other. Luckily, with professional help and the right home design, you can help the attic and your shingles work together perfectly.
If you want to avoid encountering the problems above, you can try a new roofing material. For instance, installing metal roofing in Eastern NC will help you avoid granule loss, blistering, and curling altogether. However, metal roofing can come with a higher upfront cost. Therefore, the decision truly comes down to what feels right to you.