10 Oct Why Is a Metal Roofing Underlayment Important?
If you’re investing in metal roofing because of benefits like eco-friendliness and longevity, then you already know a few things that make this roofing material worth considering. However, you may still have questions about the components of a metal roof that make it function. For instance, why is a metal roofing underlayment important? If you’re unaware, don’t worry and continue below—this article will help you learn everything you need to know.
Separating Layers
Metal is an available roofing option for new homeowners, but you can use it as a replacement for older roofing materials, too. If you’re worried about the waste and labor involved with removing the existing roof, you can have more peace of mind knowing that’s not the only option. In some cases, metal roofing can be easily installed over existing shingles.
This makes installation more efficient, but it’s not as easy as installing metal shingles on top of the asphalt. For the best performance, a protective layer of underlayment is critical between the old and new roofing. Now that you know more about when to use it, let’s take a closer look at why a metal roofing underlayment is important.
Waterproofing Homes
Underlayment is critical for preventing water damage at home because all roofing styles condensate moisture. When moisture seeps into the walls or attic at home, it can eventually develop into mold. To keep this from happening, metal roofing should have an underlayment beneath to stop any moisture from breaking through and reaching your household below. Moreover, underlayment protects your roof deck from coming into contact with the moisture developing beneath your roofing materials, whether you’re installing metal or asphalt shingles.
By ensuring your roofing contractors use quality underlayment during the metal roof installation, you can make a substantial impact on the longevity of your roof. Water damage is a common issue in homes, but with the right waterproofing materials, that issue can be reduced swiftly.
Fastener Protection
Speaking of roof decks, your fasteners can be affected by the underlayment. You may think that separating old roofing materials with a new metal roof is suitable on its own, but underlayment provides protection to the fasteners.
Installing an underlayment means you can prevent moisture from making its way to the fasteners. Without that protection, the condensation begins rotting out the roof deck unbeknownst to you. If you’re ready to install Oxford metal shingles or another form of metal roofing, start planning today so you can have the protection you need at home.